This is my update for Friday, February 12th. Anonymous sources claim that Senate Democrats are considering bypassing committees altogether and bringing the relief bill...
COVID-19, otherwise known as coronavirus, is affecting everyone right now. Even if you aren’t medically affected by the virus, you likely are financially. Recently,...
Sources Say Outline of Deal by Next Week
This is my stimulus update for Sunday, October 4.
Trump COVID-19 Diagnosis Update
Trump is still hospitalized, as I...
So just moments ago, Donald Trump signed an executive order to significantly increase deregulation in order to increase job growth, we haven't seen this...
This is my stimulus update for July 21.
McConnell's Speech Today
So this morning on the Senate Floor Mitch McConnell himself spoke about what’s going to...
Mnuchin in Middle East, Kudlow Being Irrelevant (Again)
This is my stimulus update for Saturday, October 17.
In terms of Mnuchin and Pelosi talks, the flavor...
Senate Fails to Advance Republican Stimulus Bill
This is my stimulus update for Thursday, September 10.
Austrians Getting American Stimulus Checks?
Before we get into the heavier...